How I feel about Charlie turning 10 

Charlie's 10th Birthday

Charlie turning ten has been mixed emotions for me. For months I have been worried I would be a sobbing mess when the day came, but now that it’s here I’m mostly ok. Mostly. 

Ten just feels like such a big milestone for kids. Single digits are gone forever. They are becoming a tiny person. They aren’t so kid-like anymore and you get glimpses of the teenage years and you get terrified. When Caleb turned 10 it was also the first time I realized he was past the halfway mark of his time at home - that got me real good … it’s just kind of a shock how fast it really goes. A parent can’t say that enough because it’s SO TRUE. 

Stop growing up

Charlie at ten is a really sweet girl. I can see things about her this year that I haven’t seen before and it makes me so proud of her. For example, she was way more into how her party guests would have fun at her slumber party than what she would get for gifts. That was actually the last thing on her mind - a little sign of growing up and who she is becoming. We are also starting to have really great conversations when it’s just the two of us and that’s fun. 

She is such a good friend and kind to others. She works unbelievably hard at dance and blows our minds with her dedication to it. I wasn’t like that about anything at her age! 

She is a great sister and loves her brothers especially when they give her the attention she wants. Creativity comes naturally to her and competitive is her middle name. 

mother daughter relationship

Charlie is my best friend and I just have to hope if that changes for a few years she will come back to me! I love our one on one time together and I really look forward to dance competition season where we get to travel together and have that bonding time that is so precious to me. 

I honestly could go on forever. Ten is definitely bittersweet but I’m having too much fun celebrating you to get too sad. I usually cry on the eve of their birthdays or putting them to bed that night. Birthdays are just tough on a mama’s heart!

Happy Birthday to my Chi Chi! You refuse to stop growing up so I just have to embrace it and enjoy the ride. You are a beautiful girl inside and out and I am beyond proud of you. Love you!