Art Direction - BH&G cover image and feature

In November 2022, team Do It Yourself (which included myself as art director, my senior editor and editor) chose Amanda Campbell’s home to be photographed and featured for our quarterly mag. We loved her colorful style and unique ways of DIY-ing her space that seemed attainable for most budgets. When we shot the home with local team Brie Williams and Andrea Caughey, I was inspired by so many of her spaces but especially her gallery wall in her living room. Colorful art from local artists mixed in with family photos with a quirky edge is totally my vibe and I LOVED it. Fast forward to 2023, DIY closed and we weren’t able to run this beautiful feature we shot. Team DIY knew it needed a home and NEEDED to be in print. We pitched the location to BH&G and they agreed - it was something their readers would love as well. The May 2024 issue of Better Homes & Gardens features Amanda’s living room and then has a 8 page spread in their main edit of her home tour. I couldn’t be more proud! To art direct these images and have them be apart of BH&G’s spring issue (let alone the COVER) is just a dream come true for me.